You have the possibility to customize the design of your registration form. A header and a background can be added. In this article find out how to add a logo to your form.
Step 1
From the admin platform, go to “INVITE”, "Website" then "Design ".
Step 2
On this page, you can find a selection of themes available. You can choose the theme that you'd like. Go to the "Theme options" and "Header". Here you will find a dedicated space on the right, where you are able to drag and drop your logos.
Step 3
Then click on "Save".
- Your file must be a square with 260px X 260px. The format: must be in PNG.
- Consult the changes directly from your registration form. If it is set as public, use the link found on the top of the page “Registration form”. If on private, send an invitation email from the “Attendees” tab.