With Eventdrive, you can export at any time the list of your participants, visualize the different registrants and collect the information they provided when they registered (needs in terms of transfer, accommodation ...).
Export All
Step 1: On the "INVITE" section, go to the "Attendees" tab.
Step 2: Go to the bottom of the list page of your participants and click on the right button "Export".
Here you may choose between various exporting formats (CSV,XLS,XLSX,JSON).
A pop-up will appear and choose the columns that you'd like to have on your document. Then go to the end of the participants list and click on the "Export" button located on the right.
You will soon receive an email allowing you to download the list of attendees and with the columns you wish to insert.
Export by a given field
Step 1: On the "INVITE" section, go to the "Attendees" tab.
Step 2: You have the possibility to choose what you want exported through grouping the participants. For example, you have created a custom "Accommodation" field, you would like to know who has selected which hotel A,B or C in order to make reservations.
Go to the end the participants list and click on the "Export" button located to the right.
Select from the drop-down menu "XLSX, grouped by column".
A window will then appear, with the different fields via a drop-down menu. Click on the relevant field and then on the "Export" button.
After downloading the document, you will find several sheets corresponding to what you asked for. Using the example above; Excel sheets with hotels A, B and C will appear and within them data of participants who chose them.
⚠️ Your export will be sent to you via email.
To know
- Think of adding filters to the file, this will ease the processing of the recovered data
- You are able to do a final export once the registration form is closed. A participant can change his/her information at any time by going back to the registration form.