With Eventdrive, you can moderate questions from participants.
In the context of your event, you have put in place a Q&A. You have 2 options available for you to manage your atttendee's questions. In this article, discover what they are.
With moderation
You can manage a Q&A with the moderation imagine that the contributions(questions and/or comments) of your participants that will not be visible directly on the application once posted. Indeed, the "Thank you, your question will be validated soon by a moderator" messagge will show up. You must then modify the questions one by one in order to decide if you would like to show them on the app or not.
Step 1
From the Eventdrive admin tool, go to "APP", "Interactivity" and "Express yourself".
Step 2
Click on the settings button of the Express yourself service, then go to "Edit". On the right, find the "Advanced options" button and click to show the options. Then, select "Moderation" to activate the moderation of questions and then select "Save" at the bottom right.
Step 3
On the top right, click on "Shortcuts" and "Web app" and test the process once a participant asks a question. A new window will open that will be the web app of your event. Click on the menu element on that corresponds to your Q&A.
Step 4
Enter the test question in the field and then click "Send". The message "Thank you, your question will be validated soon by a moderator" appears. You need a message that your participants will see each question or comment posted. Click on "Close" and you will remark that the question isn't visible for the moment in the questions waiting to be shown on the app.
Step 5
You will now open the moderation platform and show your test question on the application. From the admin, click again on "Shortcuts" then on "Moderation".
A new window will open on your navigator. Click on "Express Yourself" and on the service that corresponds to your Q&A if you have created many services.
Step 6
You will see all the questions and comments of your participants appear. For the moment, It is normal that you don't only see the test questions. Find your questions and click on the question the "V" icon found at the end of the line to diffuse it to participants. The "V" turns green. Check on the web application that your question appears under your Q&A menu item. If you want to remove the question, click on the "V" again on the moderation platform. The icon will turn from green to grey and will no longer be visible on the application.
Without moderation
If you opt for a Q&A without moderation, the contributions(questions and/or comments) of your participants will be directly visible on the application once posted. Nevertheless, you can moderate the question one by one and then remove it if needed.
Step 1
From the Eventdrive admin tool, go to "APP", "Interactivity" and "Express yourself".
Step 2
Click on the option button of your "Express yourself" service, then click on "Edit". On the right side, locate the "Advanced Options" button and click to display these options. Finally, check that the "Moderation" option is unchecked to disable the moderation of questions. Finally click on "Save" at the bottom right. Your configuration without moderation has been taken into account.
Step 3
At the top right, click on "Shortcuts" and "Web Application" to test the process as a participant who asks a question. A new window opens on the web application of your event. Click on the menu item corresponding to your Q&A.
Step 4
Enter a test question in the field provided and click on "Send". You notice that the question is directly visible to all participants in the application's thread of questions.
Step 5
You will now open the moderation platform and show your test question on the application. From the admin, click again on "Shortcuts" then on "Moderation".
A new window will open on your navigator. Click on "Express Yourself" and on the service that corresponds to your Q&A if you have created many services.
Étape 6
You will see here all the questions / comments of your participants. At present, it is normal for you to see only your test question. Locate your question and click on the green "V" icon at the end of the line to make it invisible to your participants. The "V" becomes gray. Find out on the web application that your question no longer appears under your Q & A menu item. If you want to display it again on the application, click on the "V" icon from the moderation platform. The icon changes to green and the question is visible on the application side.
- Choose to enable or disable moderation from "APP", "Interactivity", "Express Yourself", "Advanced Options" by checking or unchecking the "Moderation" option and save.
- Click on "Shortcuts" at the top right of the administration platform, on "Moderation" then "Express Yourself".
- All contributions (questions / comments) from your participants appear. In order to display them, click on the "V" icon under each of them. When the "V" is green, the contribution is visible on the application. However, if you click the "V" again, it will turn gray. This indicates that the contribution is not visible on the application.
- From the moderation platform, you can also edit participants' questions by clicking on the pencil icon.
- See our article How to distribute the Q&A? to manage the posting of questions on the wall of your event.
- Feel free to read the article How to send questions to the facilitator?