With Eventdrive, it is possible to open/close services in the app.
You are using an Eventdrive application that will liven up your event. However, you'd like certain services to be closed for various reasons. In this article, discover how to open and close a service on your event application.
Step 1
From the admin platform, click on "Shortcuts" on the top right. Then click on "Moderation" in order to access the moderation platform.
Step 2
Go to the "Open/Close" tab.
Step 3
You will find here the list of all the active services for your application.
Step 4
In order to open or close a service, you just have to enable and disable a service, you have to just enable or disable the cursor by clicking below. The modification is instantaneous. If the cursor is grey, this means the service is closed.
Step 5
When a service is closed the following message appears on the app: "This service is closed, please come back later.". You are not able to change this message.