You want to set the permissions for your organization members for the budget section. Find out how to do it in this article.
Step 1
In your organization dashboard, go to "SECURITY", then click on "Roles".
Step 2
By default, 2 roles are created : "Member" who have the basic permissions and "Owner" who have all permissions.
The "Member" role can create, edit and delete the budgets of their events, but can only see the budget parameters. They cannot add, edit or create one. The "Owner" role has all the rights on your organization budgets.
To create a new role, click on "+Create a new role".
Step 3
Enter a name for the role, a description (optional) and tick the boxes of the actions allowed for this role. You can select the permissions you want for the budget section.
Click on "Save" to validate.
- The permissions of " Member " and " Owner " can't be modified.