With Eventdrive, you can generate reports with key figures for your organisation.
Organization reporting
This tab will allow you to find and analyse various key figures for your events across your organisation.
⚠️ Don't confuse the Reporting tab in your organisation's settings with the one
and the one on your event.
How does it work?
In the first dial, you will find summary figures of your organization. You will have the possibility to generate lists according to selected fields.
Three elements allow you to generate the list you want :
Type (which is broken down into event, attendee, company, cost center, Team and event category)
Time range (which defines the date range on which you want the information)
By clicking on Generate, the platform will find the information you are looking for (displayed on one or more pages). Once this search is done, you will have the possibility to export an Excel file. The information in the export is automatically chosen according to the type selected.