The "Vote & Quiz" feature allows you to create a multiple choice questionnaire for your participants.
It is not possible to have an empty field. If you want some, you can use the "Express-yourself" and "Survey" features.
Step 1
In "APP", go to "Interactivity" and click on "Vote & Quiz".
Step 2
Click on "Add a service (Vote & Quiz)"
In "Edit: vote & quizz", fill in the following items:
- "Vote name": rename this feature.
- "Description": add a description if you want.
- "Set up as a quiz": check this option if you want the vote to be a quiz and give points for good answers.
- "Link to a session": link this feature to one or several calendar sessions if you want.
Step 3
Add a round by clicking "Add a round". To learn more about the round, please read our article What is a vote ?
In "Edit: round", fill in the following items:
- "Round name": rename this feature. This name is a point of reference for you in the administration tool. It can't be seen by your attendees.
- "Round type": choose the type of rounds among the 3 options in the drop-down menu:
- "Only Text": the vote will only have question and answer in text, no images.
- "Only Image": the vote will have the question in text and the answers in images.
- "Text + Image": the vote will have the question in text, the answers in image or text. You are able to chose between the 2 formats depending on the question.
- "Only one answer per attendee": check the box if you would like to limit the number of times the participant can send a response.
Click on "Save".
Step 4
Add the first question in your round by clicking on "Add a question".
In "Edit: my question", fill in the following items:
- "Question" : enter your question,
- "Type of questions" : choose the type of questions : multiple choice or single-answer questions.
- "The answer to this question is mandatory" : choose if you want the answer to this question mandatory.
Click on "Save".
Step 5
Now add the answers to the first question by clicking on "Add an answer".
In "Edit : answer", enter the following item.
- "Answer" : enter your different answers.
Click on "Save"
Step 6
Repeat steps 4 and 5 for all your vote.
- Give at least 2 choices of answers for one question.
- Depending on your event, you may want to have one question at a time to show up. We recommend you to create a round per question.
- Do not set up too many answers. The broadcast may not be very optimal.