Are you wondering if Eventdrive Live is the right solution for you?
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Is the Eventdrive platform white labeled?
Yes, everything is white labeled. The website dedicated to the event, the Live Streaming page, the interactive application, the e-mails... Everything is adaptable to your visual identity and we fade behind it.
Can we create customizable event websites?
Yes, everything is customizable. Eventdrive offers 7 templates to facilitate the creation of your event websites. You can add your own graphic elements (fonts, logos, images and documents) to reflect your company's charter.
Who takes care of the website creation?
It is you who sets up the website using our 7 available templates. You can nevertheless ask an agency or your graphic designer to make you dedicated screens to personalize your website as well as possible.
Can we customize the apparent title of the website?
Yes, you can choose the name that suits you independently of the rest.
Can we insert pre-recorded videos on the website dedicated to the event?
Yes, it is possible to put pre-recorded videos on your website.
What is the life span of the dedicated website once the event is over?
The site remains open as long as you do not deactivate it.
Is the website responsive?
Yes, all our websites and lives are responsive, they will display well on mobile and tablet devices.
Is the Eventdrive platform operational anywhere in the world?
Our platform is web-based, so there is no software to download. Access is via a dedicated URL. You can access the Eventdrive platform from anywhere in the world. Our clients can testify to this. It is possible that a company may block certain URLs, but we can settle this with the technical team, before your event.
Can we give different levels of access to the back office?
It is possible to have a "corporate" account in which you can give different levels of access to each Business Unit, department, agency or customer.
Does the creator of the event have to manage it himself?
You can work with several people on the same event. You can indeed entrust the animation of the event to someone else without any problem. Moreover, you can even send him a video of the event on our channel: sections/360005077580-Videos-tutos-click-through-y-accede
Are there any APIs to connect Eventdrive with my CRM or other information system?
Indeed, Eventdrive provides connectors. Our customers use them to create events from their existing tools, synchronize attendee data, and retrieve invitation emails from their marketing platform.
Do emails sent from the Eventdrive platform have a good level of deliverability?
Yes, we ensure a good deliverability rate. Eventdrive has a Sender Score Reputation of 98/100 and best practices are respected and tested. Furthermore, when we send our emails to a tested email (for example, we have green lights.
Nevertheless we cannot control certain points:
- The content and the layout of the emails. Indeed, a user of our platform is free to compose what he wants to communicate with his guests.
- The mail server rules of the companies: some can block mails coming from outside the company (some banks for example).
- Your list of participants. If the email addresses are not well filled in, the deliverability rate will not be either.
To go further in order to guarantee deliverability, you can ask the IT department to whitelist the emails sent by the Eventdrive platform: IP of the sending server:
Sender address:
and noreply-@eventdrive. com or noreply-*
Is it possible to create an invitation that goes directly to the guest's Outlook calendar?
Yes, you can add a ".ics" file to the invitations.
How are the personal and sensitive data of the guests managed?
When registering, your attendees give their consent to save their personal data. Sensitive data (PMR access, diet,...) are automatically deleted the day after the event. The privacy policy can be customized to comply with what you ask your participants and your company's policy.
Can we set limits on workshop registration?
Yes, you can set quotas based on your event and session level. It is also possible to have a waiting list. If the session is full and