You have signed in to your Eventdrive account from However, once you get to your dashboard, you can't find your event. There are numerous reasons for this:
The event doesn't fall within the defined period
Your dashboard, by default lists the events 30 days before and after the current date. If your event falls out of this period, you just have to reset the start and end date.
Certain filters of the dashboard are enabled
If you type in the name of your event in the search bar without it appearing, double check the if filters have been applied.
You are not in the correct organisation
If you belong to more than 1 organisation, When signing in to the Eventdrive admin tool, you will be automatically find yourself in the organisation you were working on during your last visit. To find the event belonging to one of your other organisations follow the steps below:
Step 1
Click on a name/logo of the organisation found on the top left.
Step 2
From the list of organisations, choose the one in which has the event you are looking for.
Step 3
Click on the dashboard and find your event.
You are not in the event team
Each event created is linked to an organisation and a team. If you aren't a member of the team you cannot have access to the event. You must contact the owner of the organisation to be added onto the team working on the event.
Your event isn't linked to a team
If you haven't linked a team to your event and you aren't the owner of your organisation, therefore as a member of the organisation you do not have access to this event from your dashboard.
- If you still aren't able to find your event, please contact our support team at: