You have created your budget and you want to add expenditure lines. Find out how to do it in this article.
If you don't know how to create a budget, please read our article How to create a budget?
Step 1
In "PLAN YOUR EVENT", click on "Budgets".
Step 2
Drag the navigation bar to the right until the end of the table. Click on the green plus at the end of the line. A revenue line appears in light green.
Step 3
Click on "Cost".
Step 4
Click on the green plus at the left of the spreadsheet. A revenue line appears in light green.
Step 5
Fill in with the required information for your revenue (title, quantity...), then click on the small green tick on the left of the line.
Step 6
Start again for all your cost lines.
- You can attach documents to your revenue by clicking on "+ Add documents" in the column "Documents" after the creation of the line.
Status, categories and suppliers and cost centers are to be defined by a user who has the rights to do so in the administration tool. The members of an organization can't create a new status, a new category or a new supplier.