You would like to communicate to participants via our mailing feature. To create this first communication email follow the steps below.
Step 1
From the admin tool go to "INVITE" then the "Mailing" tab.
Step 2
Go to "Settings" and fill in the following fields;
- Sender name: By default, the name of the expeditor will be the creator of the mail. You can modify this.
- Email address of the sender: This must be customised, it is usually the email of the organising team. If the recipient replies to the email sent the email in this field.
Step 3
Now go to "Emails".
Click on "Create a new email".
Choose if you would like to "Create a blank email" or "Create email from existing template".
If you would like to use and existing template, select the one you would like.
Step 4
Fill in the following feild:
- Name: Give your email a name to ease the election of email when sending them. Only you can can see it.
- Subject: Insert the subject of the email.
Define if you would like to attach an iCalendar file and the participants badge with the email.
Choose the type of "Communication" for your email.
Step 5
Your blank template will appear.
On the right-hand side you will see a block with three tabs:
- Content: add in the text boxes, images, buttons, dividers and social media icons. Click and drag the element on your template to add it.
- Structure: Choose from the proposed structures the one you want to add to your template. Click and drag the item to insert it into your email.
- Body: Personalise the elements of the body of your email. Font, font color, links...
- Think to click on the "Save" button.
- If you want to reuse this email format click on "Save as template", so you can then find it in your template catalog.
Step 6
- To edit a text block: Click on the text box area, you will see a grey tool bar appear with a grey background. In the space to the right you will also find formatting options. Use them as you like.
- To edit a button: Click the button area, you will see a very toolbar that will appear. In the space to the right you will also find formatting options. Use them as you wish.
- To edit an image block: Click on the image block and have a look at the toolbar to the right to see the settings for this element.
- To edit a social media button: Click on the button area of social networks, and you will see in the space to the right there are fields where you can add in social media links.
Step 7
In the space given, you have the possibility to add up to 5 documents attached. The maximum space given is 10Mb. The documents must be in PDF format.
Step 8
During the creation of your mail, do not hesitate to preview it in order to look at you emails, click on "Actions" on the top left on the grey bar above your template.
Then click "Preview". Here you will be able to see how the email will look on participants emails.
- The email address of the sender is a "noreply" address. The address id not customisable:
- You can customise the name of the sender of the email. By default, the name of the sender will be that of the creator of the mail.
- Make sure the participants email server doesn't block the address. Else, get the address whitelisted.
- You cannot add in a registration link into a communication email. Only in the invitation emails, have this capability.
- By default the email body size is 500px, so no matter the email tool used (i.e. gmail, hotmail...), it will be displayed at the size shown.
- Always test your emails before sending. To do this don't hesitate to check out our article, How to test invitation and communication emails?