When you create an event you must choose the mode extent the user has access to your event.
There are 3 modes that Eventdrive has made available to you on the admin tool. On menu go to "APP", "Manage App", "Web" and then to the field "Event privacy". You will find three modes : public, private and restricted user.
Public mode
The public mode allows the event to be accessible to all. Users do not have to create an account to access the content. They can enter the web app address on a browser or download the app from a store (Apple & Google Play) and have access to all the content. It is important to know that the "Quiz" "Notes", "Stars" and "Networking" are services that need to be certified for use so the users have to identify themselves with a email and a password.
The communication of the link must be done by your own means. You cannot import participants on to the eventdrive platform, this must be done by creating an account on the app.
Private mode
With private mode, users must log in before accessing the app. They have to create an account on their own or use an existing account. Once authenticated, anyone can get access to the entire content through the web app address in a browser or the native app (Apple & Google Play). The difference is that with private mode, the event manager, is able to know who is connected to the app.
The communication of the link must be done by your own means. You cannot import participants on to the eventdrive platform, this must be done by creating an account on the app.
Restricted user mode
The restricted user mode allows only your attendees to access content. You have to upload your attendees list to the platform, create an invitation email and send it to your attendees. They will be able to register themself and then access the contents of the web app. You can customize this page from the backoffice platform. The difference between private mode and this one, is that only invited attendees will be able to access content, once the registration is done.
The communication of the link must be done by the eventdrive platform via an invitation email. This email sends a link to the online registration form which allows participants that you have important to the platform to be able to create their accounts.
- Public mode: accessible to anyone. Authentification is not required except for certain services like "Quiz" "Notes", "Stars" and "Networking" are services that need to be certified for use so the users have to identify themselves with a email and a password.
- Private mode: accessible to anyone. Authentification is required. Event manager knows who is connected.
- Restricted users mode: accessible only to attendees who are invited.
For any invitation email, it is recommended to specify to participants to not transfer the invitation mail because the registration link is strictly confidential.