With Eventdrive, it is possible to create and broadcast Lives.
But some conditions are necessary for a better exploitation of the live.
Speakers' throughput
We ask 5 Mbits/sec upstream internet speed (upload) to broadcast the video of each speaker.
Note: a live broadcast by a professional AV team corresponds to one video stream.
Recommended: a wired connection
The quality of the broadcast video may be affected if the available bandwidth/throughput is too low or the connection is unstable. We therefore strongly recommend a wired connection, which is more stable than radio connections (WiFi, 4G...), for broadcasting.
Network latency
Latency should be low. It is often measured in milliseconds, using the Ping command. It is recommended to have a Ping below 25ms.
- Check the latency (ping) and the upstream or upload value.
Downstream is usually not a problem.
Click on "Show more info" and check the same information.
Conduct technical tests
On the computer streaming your event, open Chrome (version 81 or higher) and follow this link:
Ensure your test meets the following specifications in the final report.
- The bitrate & connectivity curves are relatively stable or going upward.
- The "Video quality" score is at least 4 with a 0% "packet loss".
- The "Audio quality" score is at least 4 and 0% "packet loss".
The test environment and equipment during your technical tests must be the same as those used during your online event.