With Eventdrive, you can create shortcuts for yourself and members of your organisation according to your role.
If you are the owner of an organization, you have the necessary rights to add shortcuts for all the members of your organization.
If you are a member of the organization, you can customize your shortcuts for all your events and use those created at the organization level.
Where to find shortcuts?
When you are on an event, at the top of the page, you have the link named Shortcuts.
The different types of shortcuts
Click on the tab and a box will open in order to have your shortcuts.
You have two categories of shortcuts : those you have created and those of the organization.
Managing shortcuts
To customize your shortcuts, you can click on :
- Add current page to shortcuts: this option allows you to add the page you are viewing as a shortcut.
- Manage shortcuts: If you are the owner, you can customize the shortcuts for all members as well as your own. If you are a member, you can update your own shortcuts.