In our article What is an app cover?, we explain what an app cover is exactly. In this article, find out how to add a cover.
Step 1
Go to "APP" then "Cover".
Then click on "Activate home page".
Step 2
A cover is automatically created. By default, the following options are automatically checked "Display the event's name" and "Display the event's dates". It means that these information will appear on your cover. Uncheck the boxes if you don't want it.
Set up the text color. The background color is useful and visible only when a background image isn't used.
If you want to set a cover with a background image. Drag your image into the dedicated space. The format must be 1920x1080 pixels in .jpg format. You will find enclosed a photoshop template to follow. The main elements of this visual must be in the red box.
Instead of an image, you can add your company/event logo. The file must be 400x250 pixels in size. File format: jpg or png. Drag the file into the dedicated space to import it.
Step 3
Click on "Save".
Step 4
You can add multiple covers, the user will have to drag them successively to reach the application.
Click on "Add cover" and follow steps 2 and 3.
- The cover app appears once every 24 hours. If you want to view it again in the same day, you can empty the caches of your browser or open the web application in another browser.
- Depending on your needs you can choose the "Editorial" or "Sponsors" instead of "Cover".
- "Editorial" allows you to write and display text before entering the application.
- "Sponsors" allows you to display the logo of six sponsors of your choice.
- Be sure to add your sponsor logos first in "EVENT INFO", "Contributors", "Sponsors" before setting up your "Sponsors" entry page.
- You can add several covers. In order to optimize the user experience, it is recommended not to set up more than 3.